
Image of broken reading glasses with blurred and cracked lenses over the word "Blursday" + logo by Dawn Kahan Metcalf

Select Image to Access Blursday Course (sample)

Learning Objectives such as ADA Conformance, identifying 5 low-/no-cost accommodations and strategies, and how to access these tools and resources in the workplace are projected as end goals of the full course.

Blursday Style Guide featuring shapes, color palette, buttons, logos and images used in Blursday course

Blursday Style Guide / Storyline eLearning Module

"Blursday" ADA Conformance Course

Accessibility: Articulate Storyline

Summary: Blursday is designed to increase voluntary ADA compliance by redefining "accessibility" as personally relevant; reframing glasses and contacts as socially-accepted accommodations for visual impairment.

Challenge: Low ADA compliance results in exclusionary and discriminatory work environments and risks heavy federal fines.

Solution: This elearning course fulfills the learner's need for ADA conformance training through eMotivational design. Blursday is designed for HRMs and C-Suite leaders to reconsider stereotypically visible and invisible disabilities, discovering that accommodations are actually used by the majority of their workforce.

Results: This course not only educates learners in 5 forms of WCAG compliance, but simulates navigating everyday tasks in a non-conformant work environment. Post-discussion challenges invite small breakout groups to proactively create measurable action plans and implementation schedules aimed at increasing accessibility in the workplace by 25%, quarterly by adopting 3 out of the 5 accessibility tools into regular practice.

DEIB Microlearning Module in Rise 360, Move The Tree: Learning the Language of Equity. Full process video [Running time: 2:20] 

Move The Tree eLearning Course

Empowered Professional Women's Networking Group [EPWNG]

DEIB: Rise 360, Vyond, Canva, Adobe Premiere 

Summary: This micro-elearning course is designed to educate learners on using correct terminology in conversations about equity, equality, allyship, activism and justice. 

Challenge: The women's professional business organization was unable to attract and retain minority members.

Solution: The series of RISE mini-lessons explore "equality" versus "equity," "diversity" and "intersectionality," and the differences between "ally," "advocate" and "activist." Interactive exercises and life-like scenarios identify learners' own levels of comfort with institutionalized racism as well as ready actions to take to establish boundaries and de-escalate potential points of conflict. 

Result: The increase of allyship conversations and minority membership can be attributed to the first year of course implementation by the Board and senior membership.

Cover image: "Painless Is Possible" in cartoon speech bubble graphic

Select Image to Access Painless Is Possible! (Storyline) Spanish version TBA

Painless Is Possible 

Health & Wellness: Articulate Storyline

Summary: The "Painless Is Possible" course is designed to be an easy-to-follow visual guide to educate learners on 3 low- or no-cost methods to reduce anxiety and fear of needles for both parents and children. 

Challenge: Parents and children who reported being anxious or having a fear of needles were reluctant to get certain medical procedures, disproportionally affecting minority families.

Solution: This friendly, diverse and inclusive course fulfills the adult learner's need to identify and be aware of their own reactions, have ready options available and feel empowered to be a supportive and proactive caregiver by upkeeping their family's physical and mental health.

Result: Increased pediatrician appointments, first appointments and reported use of devices like ShotBlocker® can be attributed to the completion of the Painless Is Possible course.

A horizontal stack of books with the overlayed words: Using Visual Maps to Plot Your Book & logo of Dawn Kahan Metcalf [Start Course button]

Select Image to Access the Rise Course on Visual Mapping

eLearning Recap Review Video (Canva)

Alt-text, font color and size were chosen for maximum accessibility, but some of the blocks used are not keyboard-compliant as of July, 2024.

Using Visual Maps to Plot Your Book 

The Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators [SCBWI]

Raising Diverse Voices: Rise 360

Summary: This course is designed for pre-published writers to create a visual map of their book plot from beginning to end, in order to complete their manuscript.

Challenge: Many would-be authors do not finish writing their book. The Society for Children's Book Writers & Illustrators Regional Conference's intention was to specifically target underrepresented, diverse voices in children's literature.

Solution: This RISE 360 course is designed as an easy-to-apply, step-by-step guide with 7 key points along the 4-Act structure, including 15 story beats and at 3 character arcs, combined to create a comprehensive visual map of a learner's book plot from start to finish.

Results: A 39% increase of diverse representation in children's literature in 2022 (CCBC) can be attributed to the SCBWI's commitment to educational coursework such as this and movements including We Need Diverse Books.

eLearning Recap Video

Course Summary Video: Canva

This short video is an asset included as part of the Rise course, Using Visual Maps to Plot Your Book. It is designed to quickly and succinctly review all of the steps that have been covered, put into practice and tested during the course. This quick review reinforces the achieved objectives, in order, which, together, create the user's completed visual map.